Save a Preset: Bookmark the URL after you set-up the timer.
Online Meditation Timer is a free online meditation timer you can use from any computer. It is fully configurable to your desired settings. Use Online Meditation Timer to time your meditations.
Prepare: The preparation time before your session begins.
Meditation: The total time of your meditation session.
Interval: Set this if you would like a periodic chime throughout your session.
To customize your session, press the "Setup" button, input your setup criteria, and "Save".
To save your session, after saving your customization, create a bookmark of the page.
To share your session, after saving your customization, copy and paste the share link on your social media pages, blogs, etc.
To begin your session, press the "Start" button.
To pause your session press the "Pause" button, and to resume press the "Resume" button.
To Stop your session, press the "Stop" button.
This is the web version of Meditate meditation timer. It is a free-to-use online meditation timer that will work in any web browser and is fully configurable to your desired settings. Use the meditation timer to time your meditations or to provide a periodic mindfulness bell.